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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Spiritual Method Journal 4

I was at the Jewish sinagogue on Saturday and I enjoyed their mode of worship, though quite different from the church services that i have attended. No dancing, clapping and jumping up in worshipping God. The sermon was inspiring too.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spiritual Method Journal 3

I participated in the fasting and prayer program in the church I attended.

On the last day of the fast (last Sunday), there was a special program organized by the church, titled, "Supernatural Encounters". People were asked to bring 'anointing oil' and handkerchiefs so that the Pastor might pray over it.

We listened to a message on "Walking In The Supernatural" and after the message, we were all prayed for and anointed with oil.

It was a real spiritual boost for me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spiritual Method Journal 2

I attended the church service last Sunday and was richly blessed by the message preached. The title of the message was, "Bring It To The Cross" and the pastor was explaining to us the importance and the benefits of the Blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross. I realized that the blood of Jesus is still as powerful to heal and to save from sins as it was 2000 years ago. I was lifted up spiritually by the message.